Saturday, June 14, 2008


Bu tem li wahed lahuz bazun dek antuten sofa tem kalun lugeya kar istara’ad. Antu atha hen: antu mashub kar enen, antu kalum kar enen, antu akul kar enen, antu nawum kar enen, antu la’ub kar enen, antu rafur enen, antu zawuf enen, antu begu sadugaat kar enen, wa antu dagul enen, antu lamud enen, antu wa’uz enen, antu shahuf enen,
antu harus enen, antu nawus enen, wa antu dafun enen li antu thir gur luhema fi unnu sanuy, tem nughesha bi a’rug, amun aw lawun. Antu atha a’n ab-hum Apep shaghul-hu.
(Ukheza min Pa Safun Dakrunaat Shil Nezder: A'aferti Atum-Re, kaman burefa amma pa Aswud Sheft, written by Sunnu Malachi Z. York)

Do not for one moment think that you will not be met with opposition. They are here: they walk with us, they talk with us, they eat with us, they sleep with us, they play with us, they raise us, they marry us, they befriend us and they deceive us, they teach us, they preach to us, they heal us, they protect us, they govern us, and they bury us. For they too have incarnated in human form, not restricted by race, creed or colour. They are about their father’s Apep’s business.

(Taken from The Sacred Records of Nezder: A'aferti Atum-Re, also known as the Black Book, written by Dr. Malachi Z. York)


The Grenadian Freethinker said...

Raahubaat liyya baa barbadian Nuwaubian usra. Haza kalun baa Grenadian Free Thinker.

You all are so right. Keep up the good work

Potential said...

raahubaat hau keepup the good works a'shug pa initiative from jamaican sena. usbu should make some links.

caramel102088 said...

Raahubaat. I am looking for the words to Kalumaat Shil Haqq. I learned it in eatonton, ga at Kadash i think, but the white people tore it down. it was really a long time ago so i dont really remember the names.