Thursday, June 26, 2008

Munajuy Yawum Istakhgaagaat-Saviour's Day Celebrations

Thursday, June 26th 6:30 pm

(Saviour's Day Show)

*Nafuthane-aat bi pa Aruaat- Performances by the Children
*Hudu Istawkaakh -Tai Chi Demonstration
*......wa zayud
*......and more

*Sanu'(Year): 63
*Shahur(Month): Atum-Re
*Yawum(Day): Best (1)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

DUF MISFUT-Drum Ceremony


Wednesday June 25th, 9:00pm-12:00am

Duf Misfut/Ghaanun-Drum Ceremony/Chanting

Monday, June 23, 2008

Munajuy Yawum Istakhgaagaat-Saviour's Day Celebrations

Nuwaubians of Barbados



(Saviour's Day Celebrations)
June 25-June 28 2007
Dayufment shamul/Entertaiment include:

Wednesday June 25th, 9:00pm-12:00am

Duf Misfut/Ghaanun-Drum Ceremony/Chanting


Thursday, June 26th 6:30 pm
Saviour's Day Show

*Nafuthane-aat bi pa Aruaat- Performances by the Children
*Hudu Istawkaakh -Tai Chi Demonstration

*......wa zayud
*......and more


Saturday June 28th-29th

*The Free Malachi Walk

(hawaali pa jezur shil Barbaydus/around the island of Barbados)

Badur Wagut/Start Time: 6:00am

Monday, June 16, 2008

Aruaat Yawum(Children's Day) 2007

(These are some pictures of our Children's Day Celebrations for 2007)

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Bu tem li wahed lahuz bazun dek antuten sofa tem kalun lugeya kar istara’ad. Antu atha hen: antu mashub kar enen, antu kalum kar enen, antu akul kar enen, antu nawum kar enen, antu la’ub kar enen, antu rafur enen, antu zawuf enen, antu begu sadugaat kar enen, wa antu dagul enen, antu lamud enen, antu wa’uz enen, antu shahuf enen,
antu harus enen, antu nawus enen, wa antu dafun enen li antu thir gur luhema fi unnu sanuy, tem nughesha bi a’rug, amun aw lawun. Antu atha a’n ab-hum Apep shaghul-hu.
(Ukheza min Pa Safun Dakrunaat Shil Nezder: A'aferti Atum-Re, kaman burefa amma pa Aswud Sheft, written by Sunnu Malachi Z. York)

Do not for one moment think that you will not be met with opposition. They are here: they walk with us, they talk with us, they eat with us, they sleep with us, they play with us, they raise us, they marry us, they befriend us and they deceive us, they teach us, they preach to us, they heal us, they protect us, they govern us, and they bury us. For they too have incarnated in human form, not restricted by race, creed or colour. They are about their father’s Apep’s business.

(Taken from The Sacred Records of Nezder: A'aferti Atum-Re, also known as the Black Book, written by Dr. Malachi Z. York)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Haza dakka kalun kuresa ila Sayud Mustalameednaa Sunnu Malachi. Z. York, menu kalun kaman burefa amma Nezder: A'aferti Atum-Re wa Amun Nebu Re Akh Ptah. Pa madaat ala haza dakka akus pa istawhaay wa haduyane ash shil pa anus menu hadarhu naafun enen she enen a'wazna fa enen sofu a'lum liyya bazun. Enen amul dek zi sofa wahuy ukhra Nuwaubianaat dunya-wasu’ liyya a’wuz liyya bamul gan shayu li Sunnu York.
This site is dedicated to our Master Teacher Dr. Malachi .Z. York, who is also known as Nezder: A'aferti Atum-Re and Amun Nebu Re Akh Ptah. The items on this site reflect the inspiration and guidance of the man who came giving us what we wanted so that we would learn how to think. We hope that it will inspire other Nuwaubians worldwide to want to do something for Dr. York.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Kalumaat Shil Nasuh-Words of Advice

Lehumaatee: a'lum Nuwaupuyee Laghutkum. Adbur zi, agru' zi, aktub zi. Zi kalun nafsnaa Tamareye lasun. Li enen karut katur shaghul liyya bamul. Enen nahtegua liyya fatuh a'gulaatnaa"My people: learn your Nuwaubik language. Speak it read it, write it. It is our own Tamarean tongue. We have much work to do. We need to open our minds."

(Excerpt from a letter sent by Dr. York to one of the sisters in Barbados)

Aakhuz Budera-Getting Started

Sometime during early February 2008, we decided that we needed to do something in Barbados to keep us in tune with Dr. York’s situation. We decided that we would meet on Monday nights to discuss what we would do. On Monday the 18th of February we had our first meeting and have had one every Monday, 16 in all, up to June 2nd. It was then we decided we would distribute some flyers to the public which will enlightened them about Dr. York’s situation. Some very beautiful and rather informative flyers were designed and we made our first public appearance in our main city called Bridgetown on Saturday, March 1st. The response was very encouraging and we made a number of public appearances at other places during a 7 week period. During that time, we distributed over 10 000 flyers! Take a moment to read some of the flyers and enjoy a slide show displaying memories of the Nuwaubians in town.

Taa-ur kar Rasulun-Flying with a Message

Nuwaubians Giving Flyers to the Public

These are pictures of us when we visited town to distribute flyers to the public.

(1st March, 2008)

Preparing The flyers

SakhmetHatMut (Cynthia), TutAnkhAmun (Ta'ariq), Neferra Ranub Ma'at (Khabiyra), Ani Ua Khonsu (Ptah) and Sekhem Re (Kory) preparing flyers for public distribution.
(Monday 17th March, 2008.....9:32 pm-9:38 pm)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Ista-a'laaj- Attention

Lehumaatee: a'lum Nuwaupuyee Laghutkum. Adbur zi, agru' zi, aktub zi. Zi kalun nafsnaa Tamareye lasun. Li enen karut katur shaghul liyya bamul. Enen nahtegua liyya fatuh a'gulaatnaa"
My people: learn your Nuwaubik language. Speak it read it, write it. It is our own Tamarean tongue. We have much work to do. We need to open our minds."

(Excerpt from a letter sent by Dr. York to one of the sisters in Barbados)

Fadun Malachi Lajunaat-Free Malachi Committee

Kumeda bi pa Fadun Malachi Lajunaat, enen ushera anuyaatnaa liyya namum pa umum wa pa dunya ja sasukh shil pa gur ma’ataat ash kulena bumela ila a’zum rashudnaa Sunnu Malachi. Z. York. Del anuyaat kaman khadum pa gharud shil naamum pa Barbayduyense umum a’n pa Nuwuabianaat safun tarug shil hayuh-hum Wu-Nuwaubu kaman gad nudeyu Nuwaubu. Del anuyaat akus pa tawudtud dek enen a’rud ila pa anus menu karut bi-ya’sub lamashu hayuhaatnaa. Enen atha ma’alna liyya sanub jull anuy mumken liyya bamul she enen yakul liyya nasur fadun Sunnu York. Henakatha taled shayu-aat ash enen atha bi-mudaare bamul, bi-ren:
1. Naafun bakhuz ta-urataat ash tafsul Sunnu York istanwaafhu wa sahul istanmaam
a’n enen atha.
2. Kaatub hasuhaat ila pa mahul Khaburaat warugaat wa,
3. Raatul Zabur khasedeen khased, tased wagutaat ala Fridays. Enen rajamna fi
Nuwaupuyee Laghutna.

Led by the Free Malachi Committee, we have stepped up our efforts to inform the public and the world at large of the injustices that have been done to our great leader Dr. Malachi Z. York. These efforts also serve the purpose of informing the Barbadian public about the Nuwaubians' sacred way of life Wu-Nuwaupu, also just called Nuwaupu. These efforts reflect the gratitude that we show to the man who has really influenced our lives. We are committed to make every effort possible to do what we can in helping to free Dr. York. There are three things which we are currently doing, namely:
1. Giving out flyers to the public which detail Dr. York's situation and basic information
on whom we are.
2. Writing letters to the local newspapers and;
3. Reciting Psalms 55 nine times on Fridays. We have translated the Psalm into our
Nuwaubik language.

Pa Malachi Fadundum Mashub-The Malachi Freedom Walk

Ala Saturday pa atnedeen tamah shil June-atned yawumaat ba’ad Munajuy Yawum- pa Nuwabyane-aat fi Barbaydus sofa kharuj Gur Tamudfin Marub li she sofa kalun tarukhik safurun hawaali pa wahed meya satedeen sated marub (mile) jezur. Haza terakhik safur sofa nasur enen mashub hawaali pa jezur liyya namum pa Barbaydusense umum a’n pa (judicial) gur ma’ataat ash Sunnu York nasa’hu. Antuf suwela pa Nuwabyane-aat liyya ha ya pa dunya nazur hudeta ila antuf wa enen sofa naklenua shaaruf sawulhu. Enen sofa aklenua naafun bakhuz ta-urataat laduk pa tarug. Haza Mashub sofa kalun bakunun shil sajuynaa amma zi kalun yudega liyya akhur a’n taled ashed nenu-aat wa enen sofa naybesua uwah atned yawumaat ala pa tarug. Fi istazyaad liyya naamum pa umum a’n Sunnu York istanwaafhu, enen sofa kaman nanmemua antu a’n a’zumnaa tarug shil hayuh Nuwaupu. Lehumaat musheba hawaali pa jezur kibla lakun haza kalun mumken pa wah wagut zi sofa kalun bumela li khathuy fursa-un. Ukhrat lehumaat sofa sahub enen, gad li pa mashub. Enen namelua dek amma katur Nuwabyane-aat amma mumken sofa zahub bakhuz li haza a’zum fursa. Enen amul zi sofa gazud jabuy umum ista-a’laaj, dek sofa wa’ub katur li pa gawuyth shil Nuwaupu fi pa jezur.

On Saturday the 28th of June-two days after Saviour’s Day- around 6:00 am- the Nuwaupians in Barbados will depart Independence Square for what will be historic journey around the 166 square mile island. This historic journey will see us walk around the island to inform the Barbadian public about Dr. Malachi York’s judicial injustices which he has suffered. He has asked the Nuwaupians to let the world see what they have done to him and we will be honouring his request. We will give out flyers which will detail Dr. York’s unfair imprisonment. This walk will be a test of our character as it is expected to last about 19 hours and we will spend over two days on the road. In addition to informing the public about Dr. York’s situation, we will also inform them about our great way of live, Nuwaupu. People have walked around the island already but this probably will be the first time that it will be done for such an occasion. Other groups/individuals will accompany us, just for the walk. We hope that as much Nuwaupians as possible will come out for this great occasion. We hope it will attract positive public attention that will promise much for the growth of Nuwaupu in the island.

A'n Barbaydus-About Barbados

Blessed with some superb sunshine all year round, Barbados is located in the South Eastern Caribbean, in the West Indies. It is the most eastern of the Caribbean islands. Officially it has 166 square miles in land space and about 55 miles around the island. The island is divided into 11 sections called parishes, named after the disciples of the Christian faith. Barbados has a population of around 290 000, giving it one of the highest population densities in the world. Christianity is by far the dominant religion and there are a staggering number of churches all over the island. English is the official language and there is a dialect called Bajan which is widely spoken. The people are also referred to as Bajans.